I & E for journalists – a new way

This case is anchored around an elective course: Innovation and Entrepreneurship for journalists. The new thing is that this course is very flexible and can be taken at three levels. (10, 20 or 30 ECTS). We like this flexibility, but it is also challenging because students’ objectives differs and assignments need to mirror different levels.

The case challenge in short terms

How can assignments be throughly integrated in the course relying on good and modern pedagogics, running assessments, meeting learning objectives and students needs, stimulating self efficacy, etc. Also integrating a realistic time consumption for teachers.

Educational program

Master program in journalism.

Course characteristics

Course name: Innovation and entrepreneurship for journalists

The course can be taken during the second semester of the master.

Elecetive – only for master students in journalism studyprogram. The course can be taken at three levels counting different ECTS.
Links for course descriptions: 30 ECTS; 20 ECTS; 10 ECTS

Student capacity: Student number is flexible and there is not a set maximum or a minimum for students

Student profile

The participants have a bachelor in journalism. Some students have work experience as journalists – others do not.

The entrepreneurship and innovation related goals for the course

Notice that the second objective for competences differs between the three levels of ECTS

Mediemarkedets udfordringer og muligheder, strategier for innovation, teori om forskellige modeller og metoder til at arbejde systematisk med innovation og forretningsudvikling på et differentieret mediemarked.
Ideudvikling, validering af ideer, markeds analyser, målgruppeanalyser, innovationsstrategier, test af prototype og fremlægge et pitch.
– drive, skabe og bistå forandring og udvikling i journalistikken og i mediebranchen.
– udvikle og teste en prototype på et nyt produkt eller en ny løsning (30 ECTS) / analysere udfordringer i mediebranchen og matche metoder til udvikling og løsninger (20 ECTS) / (Dette kompetencemål er ikke nævnt i 10 ECTS niveau)

The vision for students who have passed the course

That they have a slight idea about what it takes and how easy it can be to build their own company. So they might be able to sustain them selves in the future.

I hope the students reactions in the future will be like: I need to take that course to prepare myself for the future – and when they are done – I hope they think it was time well spent – and that they actually become entrepreneurs. That would be a happy ending.

The teaching format

Students study the so called nanno elements. A nanno is a text or a video (you can see some of the videos in the menu “I&E Videos” above). students can pose questions for teachers during the study proces.
During the course students must participate in a two day intensive design sprint exercise.
A project work:
“Følges faget som 30 ECTS point vil projektarbejdet bestå af både en teoretisk og en empirisk analyse af en problemformulering samt udvikling, test og pitch af en prototype på en ide eller et produkt. 
Det vil blive givet vejledning, der matcher omfang og størrelse af projektarbejdet for den enkelte studerende jf. valg af henholdsvis 10, 20 eller 30 ETCS point.”
“Følges faget som 20 ECTS point vil projektarbejdet primært bestå af en teoretisk og en empirisk analyse af en problemformulering. “
“Følges faget som 10 ECTS point vil projektarbejdet primært bestå af en mere teoretisk analyse af en problemformulering. “
Take a closer look in “Undervisningsformer” in the relevant “studieordning” (links above)

The challenges

Student’s assignments needs a make over:
So far most efford has been spent for developing and producing content and for facilitating students’ work. The assignments and assignment formats was one of the main problems when the course was build last year. Also, time for reading and giving feedback on assignments from the students is a challenge. How can intelligent assignments be throughly integrated in the course relying on good and modern pedagogics, running assessments, meeting learning objectives and students needs, stimulating students’ self efficacy, etc. Also integrating a realistic time consumption for teachers.